Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sex is good for your Health

Scientists have often debated that sex is extremely beneficial for our health, but the lack of sex in good measures can have negative effects. On the other hand, too much sex can also be harmful; if you indulge in sex for more than 3 times a week, you are exposing yourself to the risk of a weaker immune system as well as vulnerability to infections…

The balance of your mental and emotional health is definitely influenced by sex. While abstinence often leads to anxiety or paranoia and even depression…having sex can cure cases of light depressions. After having exercised sex, the brain releases endorphins that decrease stress and induce a wonderful state of euphoria.

For all you women, having regular sex means freedom from expensive salon treatments. An excellent beauty treatment, having sex actually doubles the level of estrogen in women and makes their hair shine with brilliance while making their skin supple and softer.


 Sex is an excellent deep-cleansing treatment as well. Since sex is a strenuous but enjoyable exercise, when you have sex the pores of your skin are cleansed leaving a brighter and glowing skin as well as decreasing the risk of developing dermatitis.

Sex can sharpen your senses; especially enhance your sense of smell. After sex, prolactin is released that activates the stem cells in the brain to form new neurons in the olfactory bulb. This helps to improve your sense of smell.

The more active your sex life, the more attractive and irresistible you become for the opposite sex. Really! An active sex life means that your body gets into the habit of releasing more pheromones, chemicals that attract all those gorgeous, luscious women!

A pain reliever, sex is TEN times more effective than painkillers such as Valium. Just before orgasm, the hormone oxytocin’s level rises almost 5 times, leading to release of large amount of endorphins. Endorphins are natural painkillers and relieve you of pain, minor headaches, and migraines without any after effects. Next time your lady has a headache, treat her with a vigorous session of lovemaking rather than a Valium.

The act of Kissing stimulates salivation, which helps clean food particles stuck between the teeth and lowers the acidity level in your mouth. This is the primary cause of tooth decay. So kiss all you want, after all it’s a great excuse!


Don't be afraid to tell your partner what you like in bed. Don't fake organisms because they will never know. After sex talk about how good you both was, makes you want to be better next time.

Your challenge: can you think of any more way sex is good for your health?

                                                     "Live, Love, and Laugh. Make everyday count."

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Easy Energy Boost

We all need energy for everything we do in life. Being able to tweak more energy from our minds and our bodies is a worthwhile pursuit. If you can change your energy levels by a few per cent you will achieve a hell of a lot in life and feel better for it.

The mind is linked to the physical, so tweaking our mind energy as well as our physical energy levels will give you a double boost. So without further ado here are:

"Ways to Boost Your Energy Levels"


Drink Plenty Water

Water really is the elixir of life and we need to drink plenty of water to keep the cells in our body regulated. Water is essential for the body’s growth and maintenance, as it’s involved in a number of processes. For example, it helps get rid of waste and regulates temperature, and it provides a medium for biological reactions to occur in the body.

Meet Up With Your Friends

Sometimes your busy work schedule completely wears you out. You usually get into the habit of attending to your daily chores and take out no time for yourself. This could lead to a feeling of isolation which in turn makes you depressed and reduces your energy levels. Meeting up with friends on a regular basis is a good idea to boost your energy levels and to stimulate your brain.


Bottled up emotions could act as energy drainers. If something is bothering you, a relationship problem or work problems; it’s very important that you communicate with someone you trust.

Consume Enough Iron

Deficiency of iron is one of the major reasons for lack of concentration. Do you find your mind wavering off at many occasions? Or do you tend to get lethargic very easily? You could be suffering from Anemia, i.e. deficiency of iron in your body. Iron leads to the production of hemoglobin in your body, these blood cells are responsible transportation of oxygen in your body. Lack of hemoglobin leads to low oxygen levels, which makes you tired, lazy and very low on energy.


A simple stretch can boost your energy in no time! Stand up and go on your toes, with your hands stretched upwards. Try to reach as high as you can with your fingertips stretched towards the ceiling. Keep this posture for a few seconds.

Avoid Negative Environments

Try your best to avoid any kind of negativity in your life. You can start by avoiding people who have a negative attitude or avoid negative conversations or thoughts. Keep yourself pre occupied with other things instead. It is a known fact that you tend to get affected by the people you spend time with.

Treat Yourself To A Massage

Pampering yourself can be one of the best ways to feel revitalized and fresh. So the weekend’s coming up and your full body’s aching because of sitting in that one chair all the time. It’s time to treat yourself to a massage, either professionally or by your partner.


Every time you laugh or giggle your brain releases a substance called Endorphins. Endorphins are substances that make you feel good, awake and energetic. Laughing has many other advantages as well! The endorphin produced improves your immune system, reduces the risk of chronic depression and also helps in preventing heart diseases. A good comedy or a night out with friends will boost your energy.

Healthy Breakfast

As the name breakfast suggests, it means to break your fast after a long duration. So it is important to begin your day with the right kind of meal, for it has a direct impact on your energy levels throughout the day. Having a good breakfast keeps you energized for the mornings and helps you avoid the carbohydrates and the fats in the afternoon.


There are many ways to gain more energy, they are kind of like a pick ‘n’ mix: try different ways until you find the ones you like.

Your challenge: can you think of any more way to increase your energy?

                                                     "Live, Love, and Laugh. Make everyday count."